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Kamloops Happy Choristers

Kamloops Happy Choristers is a senior group, age 55 and over, who meet once a week to learn and sing a variety of songs with harmony from four to five parts. Tomas Bijok is our new director and Janette Walker is our amazing pianist. We present songs at senior’s residences, malls, concerts, recitals and BCCF Senior Chorfests, and participate in the Local Performing Arts Festival, where in 2018 we scored 92% under the direction of Tomas Bijok who had been filling in while former director Linda Langevin was on leave the past few months. We are so happy that Tomas was able to step in, given his busy schedule which includes the TRU Music Faculty and the TRU Chamber Chorus, private voice lessons, and making and playing violins. Tomas has helped many of us to improve our singing with technical advice and enhances our enjoyment of choral music with his lighthearted but firm approach and engaging personality.




  • Choir
  • Christmas Carols
  • Traditional
  • Variety
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