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Jeremy Androsoff

Jeremy was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada back in the 80s, and is now based out of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. He has remained a city boy thru and thru, with an odd penchant for malls, anime, soap operas, music, Sailor Moon Musicals and cosplay. He is also an archetypal Pisces.

Jeremy used to think that Sailor Moon was the first anime series he had ever watched, but that was when he was young and naive, not really realizing what anime was, exactly… Truth be told, Jeremy found out later it was actually “Oz no Mahou Tsukai,” also known as “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,” narrated by Margot Kidder, that was his first.

His first convention was Otafest 2004, followed by Anime Evolution 2005, and from there Jeremy would go to both or either throughout the years. Finally, he branched out and attended Cos&Effect, Fan Expo Vancouver, and then became the Director of Programming for Anime Revolution in Vancouver from its inception in 2011 to 2017. It was through the Idol and Cosplay contests that Jeremy discovered his passion for performing, and while he had been a parody artist for much of his life, it really took off because of his convention involvements.

Jeremy remembered the first parodies he wrote were back in high school after a break up, and they kind of just stuck with him ever since. He wrote his first original song in 2007, and has dabbled with it off and on over the years as well. Jeremy also took vocal lessons from 2014-2016, and appeared on “Zoink’d,” a children’s television game show back in 2013.

Jeremy performs parody and original songs in English and Japanese, though he wouldn’t say he’s fluent in every day Japanese speaking, as Jeremy found out very succintly when he went to Tokyo for a week in early 2016.

Jeremy is obsessed with Sailor Moon, Hollyoaks and Days of our Lives. Other series he enjoys include Dragon Ball Z, Slayers, Oz no Mahou Tsukai, Cute High Earth Defence Club Love, Gravitation and many more! Plus, while recently getting back into Ally McBeal, Jeremy realized that if he were a TV Trope, he would be classified as a Cloudcukoolander. 

Jeremy is great when it comes to performing in front of a crowd of thousands of people. However, in small groups, he get freaked out really easily. He realizes this means he’s backwards from most people, but he’s also a figment of his own imagination that only strange and wonderful people can see, so SURPRISE! ? Oh and his wedding will be a musical… just saying…

Jeremy has been the host of “Animé-d in Japan ‘Insanity on the Radio’” since 2005. The show is a Japanese Music show appearing on CFBX, 92.5 FM in Kamloops, BC. It runs Sundays from 2-4 PM and can also be picked up using the TUNEIN radio app or streaming live from

Thank you for reading this little mini-novel about Jeremy. If you’d like to know more, please ask! Or invite him to your event to perform or put on panels! He’d be happy to share more! ?




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